Wednesday, September 16, 2009

lets S*** everywhere

Twilight: New Moon Trailer

You can call me everything and pyscho, but I, with no exaggeration, watched this with hands clasped over my mouth. Preventing windows from shattering, and my sisters eardrums from breaking. I had non-stop jolts of electricity running through my body, alas explaining my jumps of joy rattling the house down. And due to my die hard fanatical histeria, my eyes watered but no tears were shed. All in all, I'm a complete loony.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

when you give up your dreams, you die

engulf me in: shoulder bearing shirts, baggy ripped jeans and anything vintage.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Femme Fatals

Lace and bows are a perfect merit when it comes to jailhouse attire. Femininity conquers all, with a mix of hardcore violence, girl on girl action and straight up sketchy deliquent behaivour. Leopard print can never go wrong, paired with bed hair and an attitude that'll put Sid an' Nancy to shame. Lately, Id wake up too far off the day, look at my reflection and lose all trust on my makeup bag and my brush. I wish I had the gutts of a criminal ten folds.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the all-seeing sun ne'er saw her match since first the world begun

Can love like this breathe? Take in full breaths of wonder and longing? Consigning to oblivion the weight it holds upon their lives. And having lost sight of the repercussions and tribulations. At that instant that love, that breaths and lives, Dies. Together with everything else.

"Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" We yearn for the one guy,(perferably one that looks like Dicaprio) dressed as a knight to sweep us off our feet. That one, who would take our breath away, even for that single moment. And dazzles you with a kiss by the book. That one who'll quench his thirst for you, by drinking poison. And especially, The One who'll dismiss from his mind the names, ' Montague and Capulet. '

all im asking for is to walk out of my balcony, to find Him there. With his heart on his sleeve.

" Parting is such sweet sorrow."

art-iculate desperado

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today
- James Dean

gratification of desire

" Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. "
- Marilyn Monroe

We go through life trying to overcome trials and tribulations which will yeild us triumph. In that, we will feel most content. Most peace and pleasure. That which make our hearts ache shall fill us with gladness. To see that shine on a rather rusty vase, we relish those. We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.

Friday, August 14, 2009

out from underneath my rock

Well spent morning consisting of down pours of rain, the infamous disappearing red pants, claustrophobic elevator rides, and just plain lounging around.
Couldn't ask for anything else.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

it just hit me like a ton of bricks

i hear those words slur out of his mouth, somehow chokes me in a way where i want to fight back. noticing how the vision is eaten up by tears, but..because letting it be known, is actually worse than withstanding it
I can not put a finger on it, whether I am afraid of the possibilities or making my heart vulnerable weakens me. I want to try, but this veil I wear is not ready to be "un-veiled." The many tries I have taken for myself, it has failed me and left me wounded and broken. As much strength I force upon myself, the weaker I end up. Having this thought of, ' its not perfect, wait till a right one comes,' leads me to doors left un-opened, chances that could have been met. But They built and raised me up to be this unyielding and stubborn individual. I will make up my mind, whether it concerns yours or mine. The sooner the better, right?
Time will just have to wait.

Hail to the Folk

Saturday night, while watching SNL, I came across a sound that reminded me of ' Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young' and I instantly fell in love, here and there.
Baroque harmonic pop jams fill my head and heartstrings.
As I looked through the screen, flashing before thyne eyes, a melancholy feeling swallowed me whole.

Instant attraction to this Robin Pecknold.

" He looks like Jesus.."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

for those who doubted, I FUCKING MADE IT

just step aside, and let me show you the conclusion of my beginning

If it wasn't for these four, I wouldn't be walking across the stage, giving the Principal a handshake and receiving my life on a platter.

I miss this

'champagne in paper cups'

I can wish this back as much as I want, step inside a Time Machine and all would be Perfect.
Wet Grad led us to the middle of no-where; smelling of wet grass, horse shit and chaos. Mosh pits aren't my scene, but lets just say I wouldn't have spent "The End" any other way. I remember the sun-rise and flying ashes from the dying bonfire reminding me of a whole new day..
" you guys, I'm scared of the future...."

Friday, August 7, 2009

why has my Summer not started yet?

so this is official...we'lll see how this will unravel.
My first blog can start with the last testament of 'The True Summer Feeling.' A sketchy basement, The Usuals, my Tuesday crew, a new friend, booze that can fill the river Nile, ashtrays or not... All this to send Jesspuss to the Philippines with a rather content heart that will remind her that "I gotchu."
BON VOYAGE! check ya later

ps. Dear Summer, jump start for me again..pleeeaasseeeeeee?

Jesspuss, Chongalicous, Andrea, me & Juney